
All brief summaries can be found under the Research tab. * denotes corresponding author.


Zou, H.-X.*, X. Yan, and V.H.W. Rudolf. 2024. Time-dependent intetaction modification generated from plant-soil feedback. Accepted, Ecology Letters. [paper] [code] [brief summary]

Simha, A., A. James, J.D. Monk, H.-X. Zou, P.-J. Ke, A. Wright, M.D. Bimler, C.M. Moore, S. Pierre, L.N. Carley, and G.S. Kandlikar. When the window is a mirror: how do dominant theories limit our understanding of nature? (ESA2023 INS23). Bulletin of Ecological Society of America. [paper]


Zou, H.-X.*, S.J. Schreiber, and V.H.W. Rudolf. 2023. Stage-mediated priority effects and species life history shape long-term competition dynamics. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. [paper] [code] [brief summary]

Zou, H.-X.*, and V.H.W. Rudolf. 2023. Bridging theory and experiments of priority effects. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. [paper] [supplemental information] [code and data] [brief summary]

Zou, H.-X.*, and V.H.W. Rudolf. 2023. Priority effects determine how dispersal affects biodiversity in seasonal metacommunities. The American Naturalist. [paper] [code] [data] [brief summary]

2022 and Earlier

Liu, Junyan, H.‐X. Zou, B. Bachelot, T. Dong, Z. Zhu, Y. Liao, A. Plenković‐Moraj, and Y. Wu. 2021. Predicting the responses of subalpine forest landscape dynamics to climate change on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology. [paper]

Zou H.-X., A.E. Anastasio, and C.A. Pfister. 2019. Early succession on slag compared to urban soil: A slower recovery. PLoS ONE. [paper] [data] [brief summary]